English Language Learners and the Power of Personal Stories

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English Language Learners and the Power of Personal Stories

Josh Haner/The New York Times Students in an English for Speakers of Other Languages classroom at Hylton High School in Dale City, Va. Go to a related 2009 blog post on “The Best Ways to Teach Young Newcomers »
We’ve asked Larry Ferlazzo, a prolific blogger and Twitter user who has written a recent book called “English Language Learners: Teaching Strategies That Work,” to do a guest post for us today.
DESCRIPTIONMore than five million children in the United States enter school each year speaking a language other than English. That amount is expected to grow to 25% by the year 2025. It’s not surprising, then, that we hear from readers regularly that the more we can offer for this group, the better.
Larry has an interesting background: he spent the first twenty years of his career as a community organizer in California, often working with foreign-born populations. When he became a high school teacher six years ago, he realized that many of the strategies he used as an organizer translated easily to the classroom.
We’ve asked him to detail the ways he’s adapted what he calls the Organizing Cycle to his current students, and he’s provided some very easy and quick lesson ideas (off Times resources, of course) to show how anyone can do it.

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