Terminology Differences
As you research US schools, you should note the following differences in terminology between the US and UK:- Public school: Type of school in the US, which is state-funded
- Grade: Used in the US both to describe a mark earned or year in school (see table below for conversions)
- Report card: Document given to each student by the school, listing his/her marks (grades) at the end of a quarter, semester or year
- Transcript: An official document produced by the school listing the classes completed by the student, his/her marks (grades), GPA (grade point average), class rank and/or academic honours
- High school diploma: Certificate awarded upon completion of high school, rather than a particular qualification as in the UK
- Grade Point Average: A numerical average of the final grades US students receive for their classes. More information on calculating a GPA can be found in the undergraduate study section of this website
- Admissions tests: The SAT (pronounced S-A-T) and ACT (pronounced A-C-T) are US university admissions exams. Though the exact terminology varies by state, "end-of-course" exams are standardised exams set by the state at the end of a particular year of school. These exams are somewhat akin to the UK SATs, GCSEs and A-levels. However, they are offered on a state-by-state basis and may not have any bearing on your child's GPA
Key Differences
Academic Year: The school year in the US is generally shorter than that in the UK. Most schools organise their school year by semesters. There are two semesters in the school year. The fall semester is from mid-August / early September - December / January. The spring semester is from January - end of May / mid-June.There are also fewer school holidays. Families can expect to have public holidays off: Labor Day (early September), Memorial Day (late May), Martin Luther King Jr Day (mid-January), Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday in mid-November) and Good Friday and Easter Monday. Students will likely have a week-long spring break, two-day fall break and two week Christmas break.
School Governance: As you approach the US school system, bear in mind that the control and governance of US schools is very different from that of UK schools. While the US government provides funding and national standards for schools, authority over public (state-funded) school education in the US rests primarily with individual state departments of education. As most policies are set at the state and local levels, the school curriculum can vary from state to state and even between school districts within a state. Therefore your best point of contact will usually be the local school or school board.
Grade Levels
Formal education in the US is generally mandatory from age 5/6 to 16, varying slightly by state. School-level education is divided into "grades". US grades K (Kindergarten) - 12 in the US correspond to Years 1 - 13 in the UK, as summarised in the chart below. Schooling usually begins with elementary/primary school (Kindergarten - US grade 5), followed by middle/junior high school (US grades 6 - 8) and finishing with high school (US grades 9 to 12). Some US children begin their education at privately-run pre-schools.Age | Level of Study | US Grade | UK Year |
3 - 4 | Pre-school | N/A | Nursery School |
5 - 10 | Elementary / Primary School | Kindergarten - 5th | Years 1 - 6 |
11 - 13 | Middle School | 6th - 8th | Years 7 - 9 |
14 - 18 | High School | 9th - 12th (Freshman - Senior) | Years 10 - 13 |
As students advance to middle/junior high school, the curriculum will likely become a bit more flexible, including both required and elective classes. In required subjects such as maths, English and science, students may be grouped in class sections based upon achievement. They may also begin having a bit more flexibility in selecting elective classes in subjects, such as foreign languages, band, home economics, chorus and art.
Although there is no national curriculum, the general content of the high school curriculum across the country has many consistencies. The state will likely set a list of basic required courses for high school graduation. These may include English, mathematics, foreign language, physical education, art and/or music, general science, and social studies (a subject that combines history, government and geography). However, students continue to have flexibility in choosing the level of their classes and elective subjects with the assistance of their parents and a school guidance counsellor. Many high schools will also have "tracks" for students wishing to attend a four-year university, pursue a vocational or technical degree at a two-year college or enter the workforce following high school.
Upon satisfactory completion of 12th grade and the state graduation requirements, the student receives a "high school diploma"